Give me 2 hours and we’ll give you the vision, mindset, and planning that you need to become a successful author. 


We’ll talk about your goals, your dreams, and most importantly, about the roadmap that you need so you can be a successful writer and established author. 


Are You A Writer, An Aspiring Author, Or An Author CEO? In just 2 Hours, You Could Transform and Elevate Your Writing Career

Would you like to elevate your writing skills, aspirations, and status and become the CEO of your writing life?

Click here to advance your writing career

This is how you create your roadmap:


Clarity about the writing life you want to create and define what that looks like. 


The book(s) you’ll write and how you’ll launch your books into the world. 


The income you want to create and the strategies to achieve your financial goals.  


The badass writer habits you need to succeed and how to break down mental walls that are preventing you from reaching your potential.


Your roadmap with the steps to achieve your writing goals, build momentum, and scale your impact. 

"Your success is personal to me. You're not in this alone." 



An online course to create your plan for success. 

 You’re just a few steps away from your dream writing life.

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Join The Ultimate Course to Create what you Deserve  

Click Here to Advance Your Writing Career

In the Author Planning You'll:



Look back on the prior year and identify your wins, review your numbers, and a general overview of your writing life for the first part of the year. 



Create your blueprint of what you want to create for your writing life: the book(s) you'll write, your BIG goals and values, and the strategies, habits, and skills you'll need to pivot and change. 



The roadmap with action steps-designed around your life-that you'll take to reach your goals and shift you into the writing life you dream of.  

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You + Author Planning = everything you need to get started!

Maybe you've thought ::  planning isn't for you because it's too overwhelming and too structured. 

Or maybe it :: feels hopeless because you've tried planning before and it just didn't stick.

Either way, I designed Author Planning with simple to follow steps and a workbook to guide you through the process.


We’ll cover the details that make a huge difference in your writing career. 


This is the type of information that you can’t google, you don’t know about it, and when you sign with a publisher, it hits you in the face… 


  • How do you prepare for your book launch?
  • When is the best time to start building your author platform? 
  • Who’s the best person to promote your book?
  • What’s the best way to market your book?
  • Other than writing, what do you need to have handy for your publisher?
  • What planning process works for writers? 


So many questions, and I’m here to guide you through the process so that you can be prepared and save time, money, and your anxiety level. 

Click here to advance your writing career

What's included in the Author Planning Course?


Reflect-Plan-Act Roadmap

  • Three modules packed with information that every writer needs to know. 
  • Examples from my own writing experience and how to avoid costly mistakes that I made
  • Resources and videos that you can use to understand what your plan might look like
  • A roadmap to project your next 12 weeks based on real goals. 



25 page easy-to-follow workbook designed not only to create your plan, but help you implement it. Included also are bonus worksheets for building good habits to benefit all areas of your life. 


30 Minute Strategy Call

Change takes time, especially when you're aligning with your future self. Sometimes you need a little accountability and support to get you through.



  • Book Production Plan
  • Time Tracker Calendar
  • Habits and Routines Tracker 
  • 1 month FREE inside the Write the Damn Fiction Book Membership 

But most importantly, this is your ticket to becoming the Author CEO that you can be to transform your writing career.  Join me!

Click the button to advance your writing career.
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The Result? 

A custom plan designed just for you, so you have the confidence, tools, and support you need to create an awesome writing year.


You'll learn how to set, track, and achieve your goals and start living the writing life you dream of. 

The Result? 

A custom plan for amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus.  ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus.

With the confidence and tools to amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus.  ipsum dolor sit amet, metus at rhoncus dapibus.

Planning Your Writing Year Can Feel Amazing!

  • You can have clarity about your vision and what you want to achieve instead of the overwhelm of 'all the things' 
  • You can feel confident about your goals because you know the skills and strategies to focus on because they're designed by you and for you. 
  • You can feel optimistic because you have a roadmap with the steps to help you reach your goals that's flexible to fit your needs, your life, and meets you where you are. 
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  • Clarity about the dream writing life you want to create.
  • Having clear, specific steps to create your author plan for the new year.
  • Someone to walk you through your questions or challenges while creating your plan.



How do I know if I'm ready?

Perfect for you if:

  • You're ready to stop spinning your wheels and wasting time
  • You want your next steps strategically planned and so you can take action
  • You're overwhelmed by doing this on your own and wish you had someone to bounce ideas off
  • You find yourself paralyzed with fear of 'all the things' without an end in sight.
  • You are ready to get your stories out of your head and into the world

Not for you if:

  • You're an excuse maker
  • You aren't willing to take advice and be coachable
  • You can't invest in yourself and your success
  • You aren't ready to take the necessary steps to move your writing life to the next level
  • You want to keep procrastinating, being unproductive and keeping those stories ideas in your head instead of out into the world.
I'm Ready

A Note From Elke...

When I started out as a fiction writer, my dream was to write books, tour around the world, and be the next Nora Roberts.

There was only one problem. I couldn't finish any of the books I started. 

I realized I didn't have a real plan, so I tried all the planning strategies, but I quickly discovered many of them just didn't work for me and my ADD brain. On this journey, I discover I had to create a plan that worked for me.  

As a fiction book coach, and author myself, I use this strategy in all areas of my writing life and encourage other writers do reach for the same, because let's face it, it has to fit your life and YOU.  


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Let's take a look at what's inside

Module 1: REFLECT

Reflecting on the past is how you can move forward in the present and prepare your future, and that's what you'll do while setting yourself up for success.

Module 2: PLAN

In this module you'll identify your BIG author dream and outline the skills, accountability and support, and bad ass writer mindset required to bring about change. 

Module 3: ACT

There is no change with action so in this module you'll breakdown your big author dreams into tangible goals and identify the milestones and actions steps with a roadmap take to take you from where you are now to living the writing life you desire. 

Part 4: BONUSES 

Along with the step-by-step workbook you'll use to create your author plan, you'll receive these bonus resources: 

1. Book Production Plan 

A checklist with the steps to take your book from idea to launched.

2. Time Tracker Calendar  

A weekly calendar to track your time, highlight time wasters, and identify the best times for you to write your book.  

3. Habits and Routine tracker

Templates to track your habits and routines to build consistency.

4. One month FREE in the Write the Damn Fiction Book Membership  

A monthly membership for fiction writers to learn connect and write the first draft of their books. 

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The Ultimate Author Planning Course is here.

Choose the option that fits YOU best
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1 Time Payment

  • DIY online course with short interactive videos to build your plan at your own pace
  • Author Planning  Workbook 
  • Bonus resources
  • 1 month FREE inside the Write the Damn Fiction Book monthly membership 



1 Time Payment

  • 2-hour zoom call with Elke to build your plan
  • Author Planning Workbook 
  • Bonus resources
  • 1 month FREE inside the Write the Damn Fiction Book monthly membership
  • 30-minute follow-up call

Commonly Asked Questions